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Saturday, July 14, 2018

Former Clinton Lawyer Urges Hillary Not To Run In 2020 "For Her Family's Sake"

The last week has seen mounting speculation that former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is seeking to make a “comeback” and challenge Donald Trump a second time in the next U.S. presidential election of 2020.

Rumors of another Clinton campaign in the works comes amid the former candidate’s recent uptick in public appearances and fund-raising appeals, and after writer Michael Goodwin floated the idea that Clinton could be gearing up for a presidential run in 2020 on Saturday in the New York Post.

As Mint Press News' Whitney Webb writes, Clinton’s recent return to the public arena coincided with her efforts to challenge Trump’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy, particularly the scandal caused by separations of migrant families at the U.S. border. Even though Clinton has long advocated for building a border fence and similar “zero tolerance” immigration measures comparable to those of Trump, she used the outrage to launch her return to the public eye, raising more than $1.5 million for separated families.

Clinton has also used the recent resignation of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy as another rallying point, having announced a new partnership with groups contesting Trump’s judicial nominees soon after Kennedy’s announcement.



  1. I am a registered D and she sickens me. I could not vote for her.

  2. I totally and 100% agree.

  3. I wonder if they would run Hillary #2 or Hillary #3?
    #1 was a disaster (the person who appeared outside of Chelsea's apartment on the streets of NY City after Hillary (Original) died on 9/11/2016.

    I believe #3 is the best of the Hillarys and would have some small chance of garnering support from the die-hard Hillary crowd.

    But seriously, intelligence should simply give up on the Hillary character once and for all. Her character represents everything bad about US politics.

    1. Yes ! Hillary(*) no longer functions ? She now is cybernetic. ? Organism. Possible clone. Hillary version 3.45x !

  4. 9:57
    Your post is very interesting indeed. We all knew Hillary #1 was a fake, as you call her. The lady on the sidewalk in New York was certainly not Hillary Clinton (original as you call her). It is scary to think that an intelligence agency is using Hillary Clinton as a psychological operation against the American public. Equally disturbing to assume she died in 2016 as you say but her death has been covered up? I assumed she was very ill and they did send out a look a like in New York that day.

    You write about it like you have more information?

  5. Ewwwwwwwwww

    I see why Bill was banging young women

    Ewwwww......she is ugly


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