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Monday, July 23, 2018

Florida shooting over handicapped spot argument was self-defense, cops say

A motorist who shot and killed a man who shoved him to the ground during a heated row over a handicapped parking space likely won't be charged, police have said.

Michael Drejka, 47, was cleared by police in Thursday's shooting of 28-year-old Markeis McGlockton in Clearwater, Florida, where an argument over proper parking etiquette took a deadly turn.

The shooting 'is within the bookends of stand your ground and within the bookends of force being justified,' Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said at a recorded press conference on Friday.

'I'm not saying I agree with it, but I don't make that call,' the sheriff added.

Surveillance video of the incident shows that McGlockton was riding in a 2016 Chrysler 2000 driven by his girlfriend Britany Jacobs, 25, when she pulled into the parking lot of the Circle-A Food Store at 3.27pm.



  1. I'll bet if the dead guy shoved the sheriff to the ground he'd have shot him. So what's the difference?

  2. Looks to me like the white busy body went to far. Just cause the brother pushed him down, didn't threaten his life. Force to equal force was way lopsided. On the other hand, when you don't know if someone is armed, you may restrain from any assault.

  3. Fool and his life soon parted. As my old navy buddy used to say...Um gow wa Black Power, white boy destroy, if ya don't like these apples, don't you shake my tree I'm a ("insert your city her) clearwater homie don't you mess with me.

  4. Keep doing whatever the Feck you want, you end up dead. Maybe some of these "entitled folk" will take heed.

  5. Need this more

    Get to the back of the bus

  6. I clearly saw an assault take place and i clearly saw an agrresive person waiting for his victim to get to his feet so he could continue assaulting him for sport. Race is not a part of this.

    Don't blindside someone with a body check and not expect a reaction. I am sure this man didnt expect to get shot. He expected his victim to cower.

    Good for the gun owner. Sorry that childs father was a moron.

  7. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  8. I love happy endings!

  9. That doesn't appear to be a legal HC spot. However the white man should have minded his own business and the black man shouldn't have office linebackered him. Wonder if the white man would have stuck his nose in a cute white girls business.

  10. @ July 24, 2018 at 8:38 PM. I see these people parking in handicapped spots almost every day. They could care less. They don't think they have to abide by the rules. He had every right to say something to her. The black guy did not have the right to attack him because his wife was not in any danger. What it was, she called him on her cell phone and told him a white man was coming at her. All the black had to do was ask what was going on, not attack an old man. Like the coward he was.


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