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Friday, July 06, 2018

Fact Check: Are 80% of Asylum Court Cases Not Approved?

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said in a Fox News interview that about 80 percent of people seeking asylum in immigration court do not receive it.

Verdict: True

About 80 percent of asylum cases in immigration court are denied or otherwise closed. That figure does not include thousands of people granted asylum outside of court.

Nielsen mentioned the large portion of asylum-seekers who are not granted asylum after the Trump administration announced a “zero tolerance” policy toward illegal immigration on the southern border.

“About 80 percent pass that initial interview, but only 20 percent are granted asylum by a judge, which tells us that 80 percent of that is either just a flat-out fraud or somebody who thinks they can come here because they want a job here,” she said in a Fox News interview in May.



  1. Absolutely right! If you are truly seeking asylum you don't sneak into the country, you walk up to our recognized check points and present yourself and family as a honest person, instead of a sneaky criminal!

  2. Even those granted asylum need to be keep on the radar. For example the Boston Bombers, the Tsarnaev family. The second they were granted asylum they traveled back to Kyrgyzstan. The family came over in 2002 on a 90 day tourist visa and applied for and was granted asylum.

  3. 6:05 is so correct, look at that Ramadon family that has all those business in New York and Ocean City, a whole family of criminals!


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