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Monday, July 09, 2018

Episcopal Church Considers A Gender-Neutral God

"Our work toward equity"

The entire Episcopal Church, not just one diocese, is now actively considering replacing all masculine pronouns referring to God such as "Father" and "Him" with gender-neutral terms.

According to Fox News, the Episcopal Church "formed a committee Wednesday to 'provide a pathway' toward revising the Book of Common Prayer to include gender-neutral language."

Church leaders were alarmed by the "overwhelming use of masculine language" throughout the book and called for immediate revisions, saying it creates a kind of spiritual exclusion.

"As long as ‘men’ and ‘God’ are in the same category, our work toward equity will not just be incomplete. I honestly think it won’t matter in some ways,” Wil Gafney, a professor of the Hebrew Bible and strong advocate for the edit, told The Washington Post.



  1. no wonder church attendee numbers are diving
    God must be crying

  2. I love how people think they can define God, what presumption! Sorry, but that is not how it works

  3. More New Age religion garbage

    Isaiah 5:20-21 King James Version (KJV)

    20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

    21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

  4. Now the Episcopal Church will lose 40% more of its congregation. They already lost 50% due to the gay bishop. Liberals ( Satan) ruins everything they touch.

  5. Such a shame. What happened to the Episcopal Church is proof that liberalism is cancer. The Episcopalians used to be the last hold out of the high church culture- the Book of Common Prayer, proper hymns, it was the "thinking man's church". Now look at it- reduced to a social justice warrior shell. Make no mistake. Liberals want you and you children dead. They want everything you hold dear destroyed.

  6. I had an econ professor in college who used to call God "she". No one took offense when he called God by a feminine pronoun.
    Jeez- don't we have more important things to worry about.
    And how to we know the supreme being is not an Aphrodite?


  7. He won't be pleased!

    Will be interesting to see how they re-engineer "Our Father," when they're done.

  8. Once upon a time, before the the protestant hearsay of the "enlightenment" ruined the minds of men, people used to know the truth of the Great Chain of Being. God, to angels, to men, to animals, to plants, to minerals...people used to know the "maleness" and "femaleness" became MORE distinct as you went up the ladder and LESS distinct as you went down. Venus and Mars (figuratively) are MORE boy and girl than we are. The angels are more sexual (in the proper sense of the word, meaning "having the qualities of one sex or the other") then we are.

  9. This is just another admission by the “church” that the whole thing is about money, not right and wrong and or heaven and hell and or absolution and forgiveness... Money. It’s them saying “the good word we are preaching is really meaningless and void of integrity because we have no morality or standards, but, Gimme your 10% and I’ll use my insider connection at the pearly gates to get you in.”
    Says the eternal life salesman.

  10. Woe unto false prophets. God created man in HIS image. The Bible clearly states this. God does not like people preaching false things about Him and His word. Read the bible, it is clearly stated.

  11. Will there be an editorial staff to rewrite the Bible, replacing every He, Him and His?


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