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Monday, July 09, 2018

Drama behind the Miss America Organization

A war is brewing behind the scenes of the Miss America Organization under new chair Gretchen Carlson — and a battle over the swimsuit competition was just the beginning.

Two former Miss Americas and two former state titleholders have left the board, after just months on the job.

Kate Shindle (now president of the Actors’ Equity Association), Laura Kaeppler Fleiss (who married “Bachelor” whiz Mike Fleiss), Jennifer Vaden Barth and Valerie Crooker Clemens posted a message to a private Facebook group claiming that Miss America’s account of their departures was inaccurate.

Barth and Clemens claimed, “Neither of us resigned voluntarily” and that “pre-signed” resignation letters they’d had as interim members were used.

Fleiss wrote, “I stepped away from a board that I felt had become incredibly toxic.”



  1. It's like car races: ban the crashes and no one's going to watch.
    How about burkas. Let's have Miss Michigan wear one.

  2. Any relation to Heidi Fleiss?


  3. Gretchen 'MeToo' Carlson has spiked the cannon. The pageant, and its annual finale have been on a downward trend for some time. She has just accelerated the dive. Too bad.

  4. Personally, I think losing the swimsuit portion is to hide the bulging crotches of the upcoming incompleted transsexual contestants.


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