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Thursday, July 05, 2018

DNC Chair Tom Perez: Socialist Ocasio-Cortez ‘The Future of Our Party’


  1. Doesn't he mean the end of what's left.

  2. Let that sink in for a minute...
    They want a system like the USSR, Cuba, Venezuela, China and every other FAILED socialist country in the world. What's the definition of insanity?? : Trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
    The only reason Democrats relish socialist ideals is because all the power is garnished by a central government. It's insane!
    But, I hope they keep running on that platform and keep falling harder on their faces.


  3. He's a racist. Was when he worked for OweMalley. Was when he worked for OweBama. Still is. Only he's a racist for his chosen subsets. That's why he was appointed to his current job, and all you need to know about him and the DNC.

  4. They are the Communist Revolution and future civil war in America.

  5. Funny how these morons have not figured out by the examples in the world that it simply does not work. And, those that follow blindly is just sad. Our founders would be so disappointed.


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