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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Dennis Prager: Explaining American Leftists: Part I

As I watch a great number of my fellow Americans and virtually all of the mainstream media descend further and further into irrational and immoral hysteria — regularly calling the president of the United States and all of his supporters Nazis, white supremacists and the like; harassing Republicans where they eat, shop and live; ending family ties and lifelong friendships with people who support the president; declaring their opposition to Trump and the Republican Party the “Resistance,” as if they were American reincarnations of the French who fought real Nazis in World War II; and so on — I ask myself: What is going on? How does one explain them?

Here are some answers:

1.) Naïveté

Many Americans are naïve, about life, about good and evil, and about America. They don’t realize how rare America is and how good they have it. This mass naïveté was vividly expressed by the reaction of tens of thousands of mostly white middle-class Americans to then-candidate Barack Obama in 2008, when he was campaigning in Columbia, Missouri. Obama announced, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

I frequently play the recording of Obama’s statement on my radio show not only to explain a basic difference between Right and Left — the Left believes America needs to be fundamentally transformed, while the Right thinks America needs to be incrementally improved — but also for people to hear the crowd’s reaction.

Very few contemporary American recordings are as depressing as the ecstatic and prolonged cheering the crowd gave that terrible promise from Obama. I believe it is not an exaggeration to say that had he announced a cure for cancer, the cheering could not have been louder and probably would not have been longer.

Why would middle-class Americans — people who have more affluence, more opportunity, better health, better health care and more liberty than almost anyone alive in the world today, and certainly than anyone who ever lived — thunderously applaud a call tofundamentally transform their decent country?


1 comment:

  1. It's a very simple equation: under Obamaggot, the American Left has turned into the most treasonous exercise in American self-hatred I've ever seen in my 47 years of life. Seriously. All Demo. vermin (who crawled out of a rust-speckled urinal in a bus station men's room) are about spewing their hatred of the American public, while pandering to every 3rd-world dregs of humanity the world has to offer. Liberals don't give a flying f*ck whether their wretched policies kill fellow Americans or not; as a matter of fact, these liberal pigs probably sexually get off on Americans dying......that Democrat party is a walking disease, the vilest abomination this country has ever encountered. I DETEST liberals so much I wish they would die of cancer. And if they have children, I hope their kids die in a chemical fire.


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