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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Denmark: 10 Out of Every 12 Rapes Committed by Migrants or Their Descendents

“Crime rates are much higher in immigrant circles”

In yet another reminder of the huge problems that open border policies have caused Europe, a recent study found that 83% of rapes in Denmark are committed by migrants or their descendents.

A review of sentencing reports between January 2016 and May 2017 by the newspaper BT found that 10 out of every 12 rapes where the victim doesn’t know the perpetrator are committed by a person with a migrant background, with perpetrators typically originating from Macedonia, Somalia, Bulgaria, Iraq and Eritrea.

Integration and Immigration Minister Inger Støjberg said the situation was “completely horrible.”

“That says (there’s) something wrong with some of the immigrant communities in Denmark,” remarked Støjberg. “It’s something we’ve seen through many years that crime rates are much higher in immigrant circles than it is among Danes. And when I see these very rough rapes – including assault violence – it’s a clear sign that you have not integrated.”

Stockholm University Law Professor Christian Diesen said that migrants were overrepresented in rape statistics because of “poor integration” and because they “feel contempt for society.”



  1. I find it hard to believe the locals don't run them out with pitchforks and torches.

  2. "because they feel contempt for society" and because they are MUSLIM.

  3. Islam is a cult of the devil and all muslims should (you finish the sentence).


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