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Friday, July 06, 2018

Dems Issue Depressing Statement on Independence Day as People Leave Party in Droves

The Democrat party is in complete disarray.

The violence, threats, calls to abolish borders and abolish ICE are causing people to leave the Democrat party in droves.

The #WalkAway campaign is gaining momentum as decent Americans are fed up with the vitriol and overall lack of message from the Democrat party.

“Nearly two and a half centuries ago, a band of patriots gathered in Philadelphia to declare that ‘all men are created equal.’ Our nation has changed dramatically since those words were first written on parchment. Generations of brave Americans – from service members to civil rights activists – have fought to expand the promise of equality for more Americans and move our country forward in its march toward a more perfect union.

“As we celebrate our nation’s independence, we recognize that America’s founding promise remains out of reach for too many families. Too many members of our society are still struggling to find a good-paying job or get the health care they need. Too many women, LGBTQ Americans, people of color, and people with disabilities still face inequality and injustice across our society.

“Everywhere we look, our most fundamental values are under attack. Thousands of children have been separated from their parents at our southern border. At our highest court, workers’ rights are being taken away, voting rights are under assault, Muslim Americans are being discriminated against for their faith, and women’s right to choose is under threat like never before.

“The Democratic Party believes that all people are created equal – no matter who they are, where they come from, who they love, or how they pray. As we celebrate our nation’s independence, Democrats reaffirm our commitment to fighting for the values of inclusion and opportunity for everyone.”

Meanwhile on planet earth, Trump’s poll numbers are better than ever, Americans are more optimistic than ever and giving to charities at record numbers.



  1. The Dems issue statement like this all the time, especially near elections, as if they have any ability (or intention) whatsoever to change any of it.

  2. This is not the old Democrat party this is the new socialist Democrat left wing snowflake party

  3. Forced to pay union dues as a condition for government employment I don’t consider to be worker’s rights. Thank you SCOTUS for overturning that.


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