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Saturday, July 14, 2018

Dems Introduce ICE Abolition Bill With Few Real Details

Sponsors say they won't vote for their own bill

Democratic representatives Mark Pocan (Wisc.), Pramila Jayapal (Wash.), and Adriano Espaillat (N.Y.) introduced a bill Thursday evening to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The bill, the "Establishing a Humane Immigration Enforcement System Act," does not actually outline the details of what rolling back ICE would entail or what a replacement would look like. Rather, it creates a Commission to "Study and Establish a Fair and Humane System of Immigration and Customs Enforcement," responsible for bringing to Congress a proposal to abolish ICE within six months of its first meeting.

The commission would be composed of 17 members: eight selected by members of Congress and nine appointed from "the major civil society and immigrants' rights organizations and individuals directly impacted by ICE practices." Such a group would be likely be made up of individuals strongly sympathetic to Democratic and left-leaning policy proposals.

The commission is given little guidance in how to redesign ICE, with the bill stipulating only that those functions of ICE that comport with the Constitution and international human rights law be incorporated into some other agency, based on an agency's fitness and track record of transparency and compliance with Congressional oversight.


1 comment:

  1. The Supreme court, the highest court in the freest country ever, has ruled, more than once mind you, that illegal, undocumented or any other name you wish to call them, ARE NOT entitled to due process or constitutional protections under American law! So we as a society are now suppose to ignore not only our borders but also our laws when it comes to foreign nationals invading or crossing our borders? I tell you what Congressional sponsors when you and your like minded members move a dozen each into your homes for a month and you personally stay with them I will vote with yoĆ¹!


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