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Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Democrats go to war with Civilization, call for ABOLISHING borders, prisons and all private-sector business

(Natural News) You may remember a time when Democrats called for free speech, civil liberties and a stronger America. Now, they’ve gone “full retard,” as the saying goes, and their mindless minions are marching nationwide, demanding:

Abolishing all U.S. borders and welcoming an unlimited tidal wave of illegals to flood the country.

Abolishing all U.S. prisons and releasing violent criminal felons into the streets of America.

Abolishing all private-sector businesses and implementing a centrally-planned, government-run fascist economy to control everything.

This is now the position of the Left. The party that once stood for civil liberties now stands for the complete invasion and overrunning of the United States of America. The Democrat platform is, essentially, the platform of war against America. Even more philosophically stated, it is actually a war with civilization. (If you think Democrats know how to run things, check out the current situation in Venezuela, run by the very same lunatics who are now calling for abolishing ICE in America…)



  1. Bawhahahahah!!! Gotta love the idiots on the left...amusing, but dangerous...keep it up, and they won't keep a seat come the fall...

  2. "Abolishing all U.S. prisons and releasing violent criminal felons into the streets of America."

    Sure go for it as long as they allow no permit required universal concealed carry. Soon enough the criminals will be gone and no longer a drag on society.

  3. This is what happens when you are addicted to Crack

  4. I work with the county and have the list of registered democrats, I will give it to any group that wants to start killing them or making their life suck.

  5. They have gone rouge and absolutely have gone mad. They certainly lost my vote.

  6. Democrats are out of their cotton pick'in minds.

  7. One comforting thought, when everything goes to the hell they're attempting to create they'll likely be the first eaten.

  8. What juice are they drinking? Have they gone completely nuts. Those on the left should be deported.


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