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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Dem Candidate Gave Away Millions, But Not One Penny for His Own District

Scott Wallace's family foundation steered millions to anti-Israel, environmental, left-wing groups

A wealthy Democratic congressional candidate's family foundation that was criticized for giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to anti-Israel groups has not given money to any organizations or charities located in the district he's seeking to represent, according to a review of his fund's tax forms.

Scott Wallace is running against Republican incumbent Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick in Pennsylvania's first congressional district. Wallace is the grandson of former vice president Henry Wallace and inherited a fortune after his grandfather's company sold for billions in the 1990s.

Members of the Wallace family established the Wallace Global Fund, a progressive foundation, as a means to "promote an informed and engaged citizenry, to fight injustice, and to protect the natural systems upon which all life demands." The fund hands out millions in grants each year and reported nearly $150 million in assets on its most recent tax forms. Wallace led the group along with his wife from the early 2000s until shortly before announcing his candidacy.

The Forward reported in May that the Wallace Global Fund had given $300,000 to a number of groups that promote the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaigns against Israel, which may cause some awkwardness for his campaign as he is seeking to capture a seat in one of the most Jewish districts in the United States. The Republican Jewish Coalition poured$530,000 in an ad campaign to hit Wallace over the donations to the groups.


1 comment:

  1. Why are so many democrats anti-Semitic yet, accuse Trump for being against Jews?


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