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Sunday, July 01, 2018

Congressman: U.S. is Heading Towards a Second Civil War

Polarized political environment increases threat of violence

Republican Congressman Steve King warns that America is heading towards a second civil war as a result of the increasingly polarized political environment gripping the country.

“America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter,” tweeted King, with a link to an article about how “Occupy” protesters shut down an ICE office in Portland, Oregon.

Harpers Ferry is a reference to the Battle of Harpers Ferry, when Gen. Robert E. Lee’s Confederate army invaded Maryland in September 1862 and defeated Union forces. Ft. Sumter refers to the second battle at that location during the Civil War when Union forces attacked Confederate forces.



  1. Difference is, South can produce arms now and has industry - first civil war they couldnt. SO goodbye Liberals.

  2. Bring it on you lilly livered libs. You have not begun to see the Ire you are about to awaken. May god have mercy on us all.

  3. My wife and I were talking about exactly that this weekend in the car.
    We have never seen our country so divided and are not sure why or how it all started.
    The party of inclusion and tolerance has become just the opposite. When a lady and her family can't dine at a restaurant without being hassled because of a difference of political beliefs, we have reached the tipping point.
    Imagine if a restaurant owner started doing that as a protest for BLM or Antifa and started banning blacks or liberals??
    That would go over like a fart in church!
    Wasn't Denny's sued last year by the ACLU for discrimination? How is this different?

  4. Yea but this time we all have weapons to use. Who do you go with ?

  5. 11:27 - in my opinion, it really started with the previous administration...

    The fostering of so many to a state of entitlement for the sake of 'buying' votes to maintain their power - which failed (thankfully) due to their 'selection' of a grossly corrupt and unqualified candidate.

    The liberals are soooo hurt by the fact that their maladministration was discovered and is being repaired that they can do nothing but whine and attack...their attacks will be defended at great cost to the leftists.

    If you go out with a MAGA hat on, be prepared to be accosted...be not alone - but be armed for witnessed defense!

  6. It's long overdue

  7. I've been around since 1943 , I've had a good life , but I've never seen the country so divided. I must remind you what Adolf Hitler said " if you treat a man like a dog , in time he will act like one". The democrats have been pushing very hard and we haven't reacted with any violence. We are almost at the point of no return , This dog will bite back if you corner me. As a republican and a conservative NRA member we have the largest army in the world consisting of millions of gun owners. They should be afraid but they are just too ignorant. I believe we will will have a civil war and have prepared myself and my family . Just remember , they ask for this and they shall have it when ever they want. I'm very prepared and have an infantry background 11b-and 11H mos recon specialist. BRING It!

  8. I thought I'd never say this but , I'm looking forward to it . The left have gone overboard and most need mental help. Guess civil war is the only thing left to cure this cancer. The young democrats will $hit themselves when it starts , sling shots and clubs just won't be a match. I wonder what effect wounded people crying and screaming will have on the left. We shall see shortly. This is a little like building the nuclear shelters back in the 50's but we have plenty of ammo not shelters .

  9. This division has been created mostly by social media, it’s easy to influence people this way, ask Putin. You need to step back from social media, or the Russians will succeed

  10. It's hard for them to do much fighting in high heels, pants around there knees, dresses all bunched up and tears flowing because they haven't had any Starbucks this week. Mosquito bites will keep them mostly indoors.
    Plus, that purple and green hair will be so easy to hit at 300 yards, these scared of the dark, know everything at 17 years old, loser sissy bit***s won't last a week.
    We'll have a little bit more trouble from the armed enforcers of our "leaders", but they are outnumbered and outgunned by MILLIONS.
    The smartest thing they could do would be burn that uniform and join he patriots. Or be killed.
    It's coming. It's coming faster than I thought, but it IS on the way.
    Don't try blocking intersections, instituting "curfews", or start house-to-house "clean up" operations.
    We'll get YOU first.

    1. I will not stop

      They will look like a hit deer on the side of the road

  11. "...I'm very prepared and have an infantry background 11b-and 11H mos recon specialist..."

    Thank you for your past service but you can't be MOS 11H again. I think that MOS was eliminated about 2003 or 2004. But thanks for trying.

  12. Dave T: Liberals, get ready to get run over. You want trouble? You will certainly find it at the rate you are going. Don't cry for mamma when it goes down, it won't help.

  13. I disagree with the article.
    Americans do NOT want to fight each other.
    We enjoy discussing and arguing and that is about the end of it.

    The media would love for us to fight, but all of their efforts to encourage us to fight have failed.

    My opinion.

  14. The media won't be able to say much if most of them are dead and you can believe there are a lot of people who will blame the media first.

  15. Everybody is a bad ass until the food supply is affected.

  16. Courtesy of the Russians and Soros. Putin is laughing.

  17. 8:47...
    THAT is when the "bad-ass" REALLY starts.

    Three days without food, water, and electricity and this country will be in full scale civil war.
    If someone (even your friendly neighbor that you've known for years) has a wife and child (or not) and hasn't had a clean drink of water or anything to eat for 2-3 days AND it's either 98 degrees outside or 22 degrees, he WILL kill you for what you have....
    There won't be any time or concern for inclusiveness, diversity, or any of that BS.
    No cop can stop it and the military would be really stupid to try.
    It IS coming. They want it so bad they openly call for it.
    I can hear them now, "What? You gonna shoot me? Huh?? Then shoot me!!"
    The next sound will be them screaming. If possible, I want to shoot them in the knees and work my way up.
    They should have went to the apartment where the pink and purple haired sissy lives. HIS things will be EASY to take. MINE will cost you something.
    Keep working on that "Fight, harass, push back", and continue to have grown men inches from the faces of 110 lb women, screaming obscenities and physical threats.
    You'll have a hard time beating up Mickey Mouse with three rounds in your stomach....
    Keep cheering.

  18. Part of God's master plan,Lucifer will unite the world's unbelievers soon.


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