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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Comey Calls For A Coup? "Patriots Needs To Reject The Behavior Of This President"

President Trump's language and demeanor at Monday's summit in Helsinki with Vladimir Putin sent his detractors on both sides of the aisle into fits, just 72 hours after the Department of Justice indicted 12 Russian officials for hacking the DNC.

Trump's position has more or less been that peace with Russia is more important than election meddling, which didn't influence the election - and that the United States has been meddling in elections for a long time, so perhaps let's mend fences and move forward as two nuclear superpowers. Also Hillary sold Russia 20% of American uranium after a bunch of people connected to the transaction heavily contributed to her foundation, which was approved by a rubber-stamp committee, four months after Bill Clinton collected $500k in a speech to a Russian investment bank during a trip where he hung out with Putin at his house. All pre-Crimea of course, so no biggie.



  1. The real coup / revolution is against comey and his seditious army of usefull idiots of the luciferian NWO.lock these traitors up already what is the problem??

  2. Why hasn't Comey been arrested yet?

    He should by all means be arrested for this.

  3. If we didn't think that Comey was a tool of the Clintons and their handlers, now we do. Treasonous comments seem to come easy to them without the threat of repercussions.

  4. It is time to arrest him and charge him with high crimes and treason.

  5. Treasonous?

    Get real. Find out for yourselves WHO are Comey's bosses? WHO are the Clinton's bosses? WHO financed Barry Sorteo as POTUS? WHO finances Mr. Trump?

    Stop looking at and talking about the puppets.
    Let's expose the richest people in the world who tell these puppets what to say and do.

  6. Why isn't Comey in prison for life.

  7. My God these people really are living in a bubble of they're own making.

  8. What's he doing wrong? Bringing government employees to justice? That is exactly why they are so scared of him. That they will be next.


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