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Saturday, July 14, 2018

CNN Commentator: Maxine Could Be 2020 Democrat Nominee For President

“Mad Max is the only one dancing to the beat of the ‘Resistance,’ and her album is about to go platinum.”

He admitted it must seem far-fetched. In fact, John Phillips kiddingly said he may need to “blow into a breathalyzer, take a drug test and get psychologically evaluated.”

But the CNN commentator attempted to make a serious argument that “radical congresswoman” Maxine Waters could be the Democratic nominee for president in 2020, in an opinion piece published Wednesday in the Orange County Register and L.A. Daily News.



  1. I hope this is true, Trump will tear her into little pieces...lol

  2. Boy I sure hope so

  3. Oh please...pretty PLEEEASE be the nominee! It would be a gift from God to the Republicans!

  4. I can't beleive that even the Democrat Party is that stupid. That person is not Presidential

  5. Please God, let this happen.

  6. I'll bring the popcorn for this one!

  7. Please, dear Lord, let it happen.

    This why CNN has to run ads on other TV stations to try to convince everyone that they ARE telling the truth.
    Their objectivity and duty as journalists (they don't have any REAL journalists, by the way) have been shattered since they decided that it was up to them to show the rest of us deplorable voters how bad Trump is....
    Keep slapping them around until they go out of business.
    The sky ain't green, you goofs, no matter how many talking heads appear on your channel to tell us it is......

  8. The DNC is sealing their death penalty fate. Who in their right mind want another ole guard running for the presidency with the DNC's approval. Not this registered democrat.

  9. Seriously folks: No way the elites will ask Mr. Trump to serve a 2nd term. He wasn't supposed to serve even 1 term! He was obviously the fall guy to get his good friend, Hillary elected. But she died on 9/11/16 and the all 3 of the clones were rejected by the public. He had no choice but move forward into the White House and play the character of the POTUS. He has done his job with the theatre. Let the poor man retire and enjoy his final years, while he still has senility. Which is more than one can say for the poor schmuck who plays the role of John McCain. They made that poor guy work until near death. How sad.

    I say, give Mr. Trump a big standing ovation for a performance that deserves an Academy Award. He has played the role beautifully.

  10. Rick James B///H lol

  11. 10:07
    Hilarious way to look at this “theatre” we call politics! I like it.


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