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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Business Review Board: Trump's Colorblind Economy

Trump's policies are proving to be a cure for victimitis. No wonder the Left is full-bore scared.

Our own Mark Alexander has written about how Liberty is colorblind. Unfortunately, leftist policies and constant demagoguery have resulted in too many American minorities succumbing to cultural degradation and falling short in economic progress. But things have changed under President Donald Trump. As described by Investor’s Business Daily (IBD), Trump is overseeing a “colorblind jobs boom.”

“Trump, it turns out, has been the most consequential president in history when it comes to minority employment,” IBD says. “In June, for instance, the unemployment rate for Hispanics and Latinos 16 years and older fell to 4.6%, its lowest level ever, from 4.9% in May. The previous all-time low was 4.8%. African-American unemployment bounced up from its all-time low of 5.9% in May to 6.5% in June. But that 6.5% still represents the second-lowest unemployment reading ever for Black Americans. As for Asian-Americans, unemployment similarly bounced off its all-time low of 2.1% in May, rising to 3.2%. And that’s still 0.6 percentage point lower than when Trump entered office.”

IBD observers that Trump “is winning over those who have benefited most from his policies: Minorities. On average, minority unemployment has dropped 18% since Trump entered office in January of 2017. More than 2 million people have dropped off food stamps and returned to work.” In other words, minorities are seeing firsthand the enormous progress that genuine conservative policies produce. That, in turn, is resulting in broader support for Trump among minorities. “Despite a relentless media barrage aimed at Trump and his immigration policies,” IBD reports, “a new Harvard/Harris Poll found a 10% rise in approval for Trump among Hispanics.”



  1. Because he’s buying the black vote for the next election...duh!
    Monother way he can win in 2020

  2. Still for drug testing for everyone on all types of welfare!


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