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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Boaters Beware...


  1. No...No... It's GOT to be from FARM RUNOFF and Septic tanks on the Eastern Shore. The govt will be increasing our real estate bills to clean up the bay... Again.

  2. And they blame our farmers...

  3. This is because all that "Save The Bay" money people donate doesn't go towards dredging out the settling/ retention lake above the Conowingo Dam, and it's full of silt and has no reserve capacity to control flooding downstream, so townspeople get washed away during extreme rain events.

    So, everyone here who gave money to "Save the Bay", all the seagrasses in the northern half of the Bay just got choked to death with yet another layer of silt and now the CBF will give out a "D" grade for the bay which they will use to beg for more money to "Save The Bay" which they will use for salaries AGAIN and nothing AGAIN will go towards dredging out the settling / retention lake above the damned dam.

    Please, everybody, these people need MORE money to "Save The Bay"! Please GIVE! GIVE! GIVE!

  4. There must be a point where ya just want ta go out shooting' folks!

    1. Reported to the police.

    2. Oh you’re sooo scary.
      I was very intimidated by that, nice job.
      Now run along back to moms basement. Your fruit loops are getting soggy.

  5. They'll use state funds to clean it up and haul it away, meaning we'll pay for it.

  6. Think I'll quit eating crabs for the rest of the year and definitely won't be eating any oysters this winter unless they are from chincoteague.

  7. Pennsylvania and New Jersey trash, should never have been aloud to open the Conowingo Dam flood gates, another great blunder from Hogan...he needs to grow a pair!

  8. Sticks aren't the problem, all the raw sewage from Baltimore is.

  9. How does NJ trash get into Conowingo dam? Ever seen a map? BTW, the word is allowed. Please don't vote for Hogan as some of us are looking forward to having a Democrat as a governor for the next 3 or 4 terms.

  10. "Anonymous said...

    No...No... It's GOT to be from FARM RUNOFF and Septic tanks on the Eastern Shore. The govt will be increasing our real estate bills to clean up the bay... Again.

    July 31, 2018 at 7:36 PM"

    While this is bad it is what can't be seen that the real problem and a public health issue-farm run off. It's not the farmers fault but the fault of big business that's taken over the meat industry creating massive amounts of manure and nothing to do with it. We have to eat but we don't have to provide the world with meat and that is what we are doing. The hidden costs of this are staggering to tax payers. For example we pay for cement pads for manure sheds, we pay for cover crops so there is somewhere to spread the manure in the winter and we pay for much more. That meat you are buying in reality costs way more in the hidden costs the what we pay for it in the grocery store. We have allowed the US to be turned into a toxic waste dump so companies can have bigger profits. This should stop-American First. Let China produce their own meat for their people.

  11. This stuff floats and eventually breaks down. The hundreds of tons of silt don't.


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