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Friday, July 06, 2018

Black Women Leaders Slam Schumer, Pelosi for Not Supporting Waters Read Newsmax: Newsmax.com - Conservative News in Politics, Health, Finance & More Urgent: Do you approve of Pres. Trump? Vote Here in Poll

Dozens of black women leaders and allies have admonished the Senate and House minority leaders for their "recent failure to protect" Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., "from unwarranted attacks" by President Donald Trump, his administration, and other Republicans.

Waters said last month that opponents of Trump should confront members of his administration whenever they meet them and "tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere," according to The Daily Beast, a comment that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer both declined to agree with. Schumer described her approach in a floor speech as "not American,” according to CNN.



  1. So, just when has President Trump or any other Republican launched "unwarranted attacks" or attacks of any kind against Maxine Waters?

    I have witnessed her constant and multiple verbal attacks on our POTUS including incitement of others to mob up on him and fellow Republicans, and various responses to them, but never the other way around.

    She needs to sit down and STFU.

  2. This because democrats never evolved into civilized human beings. They are all inherently violent homicidal maniacs. Good honest decent civilized people would not ever identify with that crude vulgar nasty gross party.

  3. Let's see....I bet the race card gets played....every time the Dems lose it's a race thing!

  4. She is just trying to get re-elected by impressing the uneducated fools...

  5. Wahhhhhhhh
    The libs can dish it out but can't handle the same thing done to them waaaaaaaaaa

  6. Is there nothing they won't whine about? Even when they are dead wrong they want to play the race card.


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