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Sunday, July 22, 2018

Ben Jealous Struggles...

When Ben Jealous sees the Eastern Shore or Western Maryland, he doesn't see the issues affecting them. He just sees tax dollars he can use to pay for his big spending programs.


  1. Dave T: Hard to see much of anything from the ivory tower. Go back to bed you clown.

  2. The slower lower has no political clout. Every MD politician has talked a good game and once elected done nothing for the shore except collect taxes.

  3. Like he thinks anyone over here would vote for him anyway!?

  4. A vote for him gets you a socialist.

  5. His head is stuck in the DC/Baltimore corridor, where the votes are. His entourage will be hard pressed to come up with anything close to relevant when feeding him information. Why? Because they aren't from here.

  6. 2:37 That is why they have educations and jobs. Not from HERE!

  7. Well, they went to OC for June Week when they graduated from high school, doesn't that count?

  8. I wonder when was the last time Ralph Northam went to the Eastern shore of Virginia?

  9. Anonymous said...
    I wonder when was the last time Ralph Northam went to the Eastern shore of Virginia?

    July 18, 2018 at 4:38 PM

    Um.... that's his home!

  10. That's my man and we are going to get Ben Jealous, Jamaal Gould, Josh Hastings and Michele Gregory elected. The Democrats are tired of you stupid republicans in Wicomico County.

  11. Obama Crooked BastardoJuly 18, 2018 at 9:28 PM

    What stupid Republicans? Majority of Salisbury and Wicomico county is run by Stupid Democ-rats. Maybe its time to stop drinking that Liberal Cool-Aid and start doing some Independent thinking.

  12. 7:02- Well, good on you! You are a typical liberal idiot! Keep bragging! It shows you don't care what idiot you are voting for! I think the democrats are proving how stupid they are, themselves! Republicans can't be blamed when the Democrats are in charge of Wicomico County! See? You're tired of the stupid crap of Wicomico, but you blame the people who are not in charge, but want to fix it! Are you mental! Get a Clue!!

  13. 4 More years for Hogan please.

  14. If Jealous wins it will be because of the gerry-mandering O'Malley did up in the Baltimore area to make sure Democrats win.

  15. Doesn't matter who Governor is - this state is totally DemocRAT. Republican Governor is nothing but a RINO.

  16. He shaved off all that facial hair so he wouldn't appear too thuggish to the voting publicl


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