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Friday, July 06, 2018

#Attention Eastern Correctional Institution Visitors;

#Attention Eastern Correctional Institution Visitors;
Just an update, there will still be no visits for ECI East and West compounds this coming weekend, July 6, 7, and 8.

The Annex will have their usual visits, no change.
Thank you.


  1. Did someone do something bad there?

    1. No, black men are always falsely accused of crimes by white men

  2. They don't have enough staff to move prisoners to the visiting area and provide surveillance.

  3. Yeah thanks for the heads up. I'm sure maybe.00002 of the readers of this blog were planning to visit.

  4. The inmates are committing assaults on staff just days ago. This endangers the security of the Institution. They have personal fans, so they don't need a/c. They get an opportunity for their 1 shower a week if they want one per Constitutional rights. They get fed a nutritional meal per health guidelines. There should be no visits or other privileges. If they can't do the time then don't do the crime.

    1. The COs new what the job entails so screw them.

  5. The Natives are restless

  6. Send the dogs in.

  7. 12:52 You are correct so the Administration should allow them to do their job by the DOC Directives and beat the shit out of the inmates when they get assaulted by them. Instead the Administration pacifies the convicts and encourages their dangerous behavior. I know what I am talking about with over 20 years in that corruption as a Correctional Officer. Also blame your Politians for the unrest.

  8. @1252 use the correct spelling of the word knew. it's not supposed to be 'The CO's new(msp) that the job entails so screw them' the appropriate way is 'The correctional officers knew what the job entails. Screw them'

    That is no reason for the inmates to go 'screwy' over the correctional officers. Just feed them bread & water. They should have no recreational sports and no television.

  9. Uh oh grammar police are out again today

  10. Turn off the lights and TV's send in water n bread.


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