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Monday, July 09, 2018

Armed Co-Worker Stops Vicious Attack on Female Restaurant Worker

Milwaukee police are seeking a male suspect who launched a vicious attack on a restaurant employee last week; the attack was thwarted when another employee pulled a gun.

TMJ4 reports that the incident occurred in a George Webb Restaurant on Milwaukee’s south side on June 29, but surveillance video of the incident was made public on July 6.

The video shows the suspect walk behind the counter and punch the restaurant’s female cook in the side of her face. She managed to stay on her feet after the punch and ran to a spot off camera. The suspect walked, as if pursuing her, but stopped when another female employee pulled a handgun and pointed it at him:



  1. Dave T: Scary to think what could have happened if this woman wasn't armed and able t protect herself. Take note, this could happen to anyone. Perfect example of how responsible gun ownership works both for the individual and community. Wake up America !

  2. If Obama had a son.

  3. Should have pulled the trigger! Oh, wait. That would have been social injustice according to the nfl players.

  4. Another instance where just the presences of a weapon thwarted an attack. See anti-gun enthusiasts you don't have to squeeze the trigger. Responsible gun ownership at it's best!

  5. Should have some some future dollars and or lives and pulled the trigger on that POS


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