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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A Viewer Writes:

"Lora Bottenili just resigned from the Ward Museum. Wonder why..."


  1. I didn't know we still had a Ward Museum!

  2. because she knows the Folk Festival is going to be a failure?

  3. If you have something to say about it say it. Stop being so vague about something that is in all probability none of your business.

  4. Gee, that should stay at the top all day and into tomorrow!

  5. 1:21 Anything I repeat anything pertaining to this museum is most certainly without any doubts our business and don't you dare forget it! It is funded using our money so anything that goes on there including how many sheets of toilet paper they use when they wipe their butts is our business!

  6. Who the hell is Lora Bottenili and who gives a crap , someone will take her place . Typical female , never satisfied , the grass is always greener .

  7. I really honestly think no one cares about a Ward Museum, let alone who resigned.

  8. The Ward Museum in Salisbury has always been a joke. It is manned by a group of so called 'curators', culturally bankrupted that know nothing about the Ward Brothers or their heritage. The building should never have been in Salisbury due to the fact said heritage was stolen from Somerset Co. so a bunch of snobs could try to convince people who 'really' know folk art they were in the know.
    Lem Ward cut my hair when I was a kid and when I graduated from College he got an honorary degree the same night. Most folks don't know he was a barber before a 'master'.
    Can any of you tell me 'who did the lion's share' of the painting?.... I didn't think so.
    When I was overseas in the corps., we had a name for bull$%^&ters...
    paper tigers and Wicomico arts council is the poster child.
    I wish I could tell you my name but being a public servant....I can't

  9. Because she will be filling the new vacancy working with Jake.

  10. 2:00pm Once the government cashes your check, it is no longer YOUR money. It is their money.

  11. 4:40 so true but in this day and age if something is found out about a tax payer teat sucker they and their families can be publicly ridiculed and humiliated so in a sense the public does have more then just a say at the voting booth.


  12. Employment Opportunities

    Staff Positions

    Executive Director Transition

    On Behalf of the Ward Museum Executive Director Search Committee, I am pleased to share with you the announcement for the Ward Foundation’s next Executive Director.

    After 16 years with the Ward Museum (12 years as our executive director) Lora Bottinelli has taken a new position outside of our region. We are excited to bring on new leadership after a period of unprecedented growth for our organization.

    Thank you in advance for your support of the Ward Museum during this leadership transition.


    Dr. Kent Kimmel
    Chairman of the Board of Directors


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