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Thursday, July 12, 2018

A Viewer Writes: United Way Resignations

Hey Joe,

Someome might want to ask why 50% of the United Way of the lower eastern shore has resigned in the last month and what the board is doing about it.


  1. Because they are crooks along with UNICEF. Donate to the salvation army better bang for your donation.

  2. You are concerned so I appoint you to ask. In the meantime don't waste your time reading all the anonymous comments from the pretend know it all on here. i doubt any readers on here can truthfully address the question.

  3. WBOC and the Daily Times will get right on it with whatever spin the organization wants.

  4. Several years ago I applied for a job there and got a call from the Director. Although I never bashed my old boss or his company as she was wrapping up the interview, she proceeded to inform me she was "friends with my boss". So she called him and told him I applied. So much for confidentiality.

    That pretty much summed up my thoughts on her and her organization.

    Small town, small minds.

  5. I give through my church. Our church helps our community and offers a food bank for the homeless and poor. I see where the money is going and we always have a say in how it is spent. You don't have this with the united way.

  6. 7:57 AM is that sarcasm? The salvation army is totally mismanaged financially and was recently beggin the city to give them big $$$ to keep their doors open. Thanks for the laugh.

  7. 11:26
    Thank you

    I don’t give any money to “organizations” at all

    Find someone in need and give them some help

    You will enjoy it much more and they will appreciate it

  8. Replies
    1. Kathleen Momme is such a nasty snobby woman. She should not have that job.

  9. Not surprising with the ED there

  10. Not surprising with the leaderhship there.


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