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Thursday, July 12, 2018

A Letter to the Editor 7-12-18

Dear Editor,

The Allen Volunteer Fire Company ambulance is being dispatched to 30472 Pink Knoll Drive in Princess Anne for Chest Pain at approximately 4:40 AM on 7-12-2018.

99.9% of all ambulance calls Allen ambulance is dispatched on is in Somerset County and the Wicomico County taxpayers are footing the bill and not even getting reimbursed by Princess Anne or the Somerset County Council. 

The Allen Volunteer Fire Company started their ambulance program so that they could make money from the county and not even work for it. They get money Wicomico County just for having an ambulance. They also get the equivalent of 3 full-time paramedics which they have hired and give part-time pay too. Not to forget, but the Allen Volunteer Fire Company gets the revenue from the ambulance billing and doesn't even reimburse the County taxpayers for this. This money is being used to buy brand new fire trucks for the volunteer fire company. Just look at the pictures of their new trucks on their web pages. 

It's now 4:51 AM and Central are now dispatching Fruitland EMS to respond to Princess Anne to take that call. 

Allen Fire Department EMS must have scratched on that call

Paramedic B3 is responding with 2 at 4:53 AM so Allen did scratch on that call. What happened to that county funding that they are collecting to have a paid paramedic on duty with? Why don't they have a paramedic working today?

So Fruitland covers the call for Allen and not one person for the Allen Volunteer Fire Company answered up on this call. Where is the Paramedic that the county funds for Allen? Them having no paramedic on duty happens quite often and someone needs to look into this! Is Wayne Nauman the full-time paramedic for Allen that gets paid to do the scheduling? Shame on him, shame on them. PATHETIC SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY!! 

The Allen Volunteer Fire Department is ripping taxpayers off in Wicomico County for having an ambulance and collecting county funding when they don't even have volunteers willing to cover these calls they are dispatched for? They don't even have anyone that will take the calls in Allen tonight. All it takes is a driver and a volunteer EMT and they couldn't get any of the above to respond. 

Scratching on calls is a major problem with both Fruitland and Allen, but worse for the Allen Fire Company when they can't even get an ambulance out. 

This is definitely something our elected people in Wicomico County need to investigate. Please post this as a Comment Worthy of a Post and let's see if the county even looks into this problem.


  1. Why did they respond to an out of county call? You must understand about Princess Anne , they are the P.G. County of the Eastern Shore. Don't give them an inch , they will take a mile.

  2. Ambulance ride is 400$ no matter if it’s 3 minutes or 20. Talk about a captive consumer and kicking someone when they are down. It’s robbery! Why do we pay taxes?

  3. If the call is in Princess Anne, why isn't a Somerset County fire dept. taking care of it? There is no need for Allen to go unless they need some kind of back-up.

  4. man don't be messin with Wayne Nauman man

  5. Where the heck was Princess Anne in the first place? This poor sole could have died before help arrived.

  6. PA has an ambulance, why should anyone have to back them up. I think they all just want the money.

  7. PA used to have 2 if not 3 ambulances. If Allen is working for Somerset County then they should get their money from Somerset County. If Allen does not service Wicomico County and help Fruitland then they should not be getting any Wicomico County Funds. How Long has this been happening? Tis appears to be a Pollitt thing when he was in office. When will a forensic audit be conducted on their funding / calls responded to and what County? If their calls were majority in Somerset and very few in Wicomico County then AVFD should reimburse the tax payers of Wicomico County. This sounds like another scam like the one Salisbury is / has been practicing against Wicomico County tax payers, which appears nothing is being done to collect these past due accounts.

  8. Close them down.

  9. I think the real issue has been lost in this fight over volunteer/paid departments. People are sick and could be dying and need immediate medical attention. Sometimes minutes matter. I personally would not care who responded to my medical need as long as it was the one closest to me and could attend to me the quickest. Possibly saving my life. It seems as if common sense has gone far away and it is all about money and politics. If we focused more on getting along and working with each other in the best interest of all involved, the world might, just maybe, be a kinder place. LEAVE POLITICS OUT OF EMERGENCY NEEDS!!!!


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