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Monday, July 09, 2018

A 'Constitutional Violation': Pastor Under Fire From Atheists for High School Football Devotional

A pastor who recently came under fire by a nonprofit organization that "educates the public on matters relating to non-theism" appeared on "Fox & Friends" Saturday to explain his situation.

Konnor McKay, a pastor in the Waldron, Arkansas community, was invited to his former high school to speak at a football summer camp about teamwork and leadership.

The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) deemed McKay's speech, which invoked scripture, a "constitutional violation," and asked that the school district "not allow its football program to be used as a captive audience for evangelists."

McKay -- who also played football at Waldron -- said Saturday that he felt it was important for the players in the camp to know the value and importance of teamwork.

In a letter to Waldron High School's superintendent, the FFRF asked for the steps, in writing, that the school will take to not promote religion in the future.

“Parents send their students to football camps to become better players, not to be brainwashed. Public school students should not have to pray to play,” FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor also said.

"This is another example of this group from Wisconsin that goes out-of-state seeking school districts across the country that they can bully and intimidate. Waldron, Arkansas is just another example," said First Liberty Attorney Michael Berry.



1 comment:

  1. I agree with the FFRF. If I sent my children to Vacation Bible School, I would expect them to be doing some praying in accordance to my religious beliefs.

    But these children were sent to Football camp, not religious camp.

    I don't know who will be leading the children at football camp, nor the message they will be giving... but I would like it to be related to football.. the reason they went there. If my kids want to pray they can do it on their time in our way, and if I want it in a religious setting I'll send them for a religious message I approve of.

    This ratcheting of others peoples religion into our lives, force fed to a captive audience that has no recourse other than endure it is wrong. It's also not very respectful of other parents wishes... and down right rude to assume that something like this is o.k.


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