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Friday, July 27, 2018

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 7-27-18

Anonymous said...

United Way
Kathleen Momme, President & Chief Executive Officer(She prances around Salisbury and the SACC like she is something important.)

Cathie Thomas, Leadership and Planned Giving Officer(REJECT of the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce) Found this online - "For more information on Chamber membership, email Membership Manager, Cathie Thomas at cthomas@salisburyarea.com."

Of course the United Way is going to help Jake Day with this Folk Festival. Did you know that Jake Day encourages/almost forces every city employee to contribute to the United Way every year? They make you donate through your paycheck bi-weekly. It's a big scam and the many employees of the City of Salisbury donate a lot of money to the United Way.

So now we know the connection to the United Way. Shame on Kathleen Momme, Jake Day and Cathie Thomas.


  1. That's not limited to Fake Day. UW is notorious for encouraging strong arm tactics by employers. All for the "Greater Good".

  2. Kathleen is an amazing person. There's no way she has any nefarious intentions.

    1. Get off the crap pipe.

    2. Obviously you don't know her and haven't seen her in action as the greedy nasty selfish jerk she really is!

  3. United Way has one of the highest administrative costs of charities. Do the research. Your charitable contributions are better spent elsewhere.

  4. Thats the Community Foundations job to donate if they want to not the United Way.

  5. The city employees are being asked to, pleaded with, almost begged to support and promote, via social media and gofundme pages, the festival with cash and volunteering.
    I think you hit the nail on the head with these last few posts, the city is in panic mode.

  6. I haven’t cared for KM since our kids were at a daycare center together. . .

  7. I had an employer (worked at a bank) that rallied to make us all pay because she wanted 100% participation from her branch. I told her that since she made more than me she could donate some of her $$ in my name.

  8. Forced to pay ? Fake day and the city need to be sue contact a lawyer.

    1. You thought up the great scheme of contacting a lawyer - so you do it.

  9. 8:47 AM thats a lie. I have been subjected to her nefarious intentions on a (lack of) professional level.


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