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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

You Don't Get to Rewrite the Constitution Because You Dislike Donald Trump

If your contention is that President Donald Trump has the propensity to sound like a bully and an authoritarian, I’m with you. If you’re arguing that Trump’s rhetoric is sometimes coarse and unpresidential, I can’t disagree.

I’m often turned off by the aesthetic and tonal quality of his presidency. And, yes, Trump has an unhealthy tendency to push theories that exaggerate and embellish small truths to galvanize his fans for political gain. Those are all legitimate political concerns.

Yet the ubiquitous claim that Trump acts in a way that uniquely undermines the rule of law is, to this point, simply untrue.

At National Review, Victor Davis Hanson has it right when he argues that “elites” often seem more concerned about the “mellifluous” tone of leaders rather than their abuse of power. “Obama defies the Constitution but sounds ‘presidential,'” he writes. “Trump follows it but sounds like a loudmouth from Queens.”



  1. They are all puppets of the Banking Families and have been since 11/22/1963.

    They say and do exactly as they are told and swore blood oaths to the Brotherhood a long time ago.

  2. But they are screaming bloody murder sice trump is upsetting the status quo of BOTH PARTIES. This is the NEW AGE agenda. The plan to enslave us all under satanic rule. GOD bless our president

  3. 1236-You think Kennedy wasn't bought and paid for? LOL.

  4. 5:46, why do you think the CIA had to shoot him?

    DUH, he wouldn't "go along".

  5. President Trump is doing exactly what I hired him for. Love the "tweets" also. He's talking directly to us, without a filter we don't need, and don't forget, he's doing it all for free! GO TRUMP!


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