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Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Their Son Is Suicidal Because of Bullying. They Blame an Obama Policy.

PARKVILLE, Md. — Nicole Landers found a note written by her 9-year-old son, Jared. “Kill me. I mean nothing. I have issues,” it read.

Her son’s April 16 note, Landers said, was the culmination of months of bullying Jared endured in the classroom. That bullying included being struck in the face and thrown in the mud by another student. Even threats of electrocution.

“Jared has been relentlessly bullied,” his stepfather, Josh Landers, told The Daily Signal. “To the point of being suicidal.”

The Landerses tried addressing the situation with officials at Pine Grove Elementary School in Carney, Maryland, where Jared, who has since turned 10, is in fourth grade.



  1. Oh yes, it was all Obama. Nothing to do with teachers, parents, admin, school board, local gov, state gov, and any other additional beaurocratic layer. LOL

  2. Did you not read the article. Who told all the teachers, administration, boe they could no longer discipline the children when the should have been and expelled if necessary. OBAMA thats who.

  3. 12:22 Yes it most certainly is the fault of obama. That's the problem with you low information products of the dumbed down US "education" system -you talk and are completely clueless and astoundingly ignorant.
    Now let me school you! obama era policies which FYI Einstein "teachers, parents, admin, school board, local gov, state gov and any other additional beaurocratic layer" are required to abide by caused this and many many many other problems including violence such as rapes, assaults, etc. When the US dept of Ed comes up with polices no one has a say so. That is why the Republican party has been calling for local school boards to make decisions and not the federal government. It's the democrats who want complete federal control over every aspect of people's lives. As a matter of fact it was obama's and the democrat's fault 17 students were murdered in FL. You can lie about it, spin it whatever you want but the truth is obama (and democrats) is responsible for many many evils this country now faces.

  4. Do you even know what you are talking about 12:22? Obviously not. The people and entities you named are powerless to do anything about policies implemented by the US Department of Education except to vote out and Drain the Swamp of those responsible. President Trump is draining them out but there is much more work to do.

  5. Are bullies examples of diversity?

  6. For a moment I thought this article was about Wicomico County...

  7. That's the problem with this country. People consider news sound bites the truth. We no longer have news, we have opinion. People are too lazy to educate themselves on what is really happening in this country. But not too busy with their own lives to throw out an uneducated comment that is worthless and meaningless.

  8. No one to blame but themselves

  9. What happens is if schools don't adopt policies implemented by the US Department of Education they lose federal funding. Because of this during the Obama era the schools nationwide took a turn for the worst. We saw it locally with the brutal rapes that occurred in local high schools and the large fights that broke out. Obama is 100% to blame and to say otherwise is just more proof of the dumbed down US electorate a.k.a the democrat voter.

  10. SCHOOL VOUCHERS anyone? And Bring reform schools

  11. 12:49 You are the smart one watching Fox news 24/7 and living in the armpit of MD.

  12. 5:33 you need to readjust your ignorance. Educate yourself. Fox news is not the only source of truth about the evils 12:49 speaks of. Research the NeW age agenda and youll be surprised, but maybe your one of those useful ignorant idiots they so despeartly need to further the enslavement agenda

  13. 302 you hit it right on the head. That was my exact point with 1222 comment. Clowns immediately swear out the claims in the post MUST be true without any real analysis of the facts. The scary part is that these folks votes count just as much as the next man who actually does his homework.


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