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Friday, June 15, 2018

The Stupidest NY Daily News Column of All Time (Until the Next One)

If you aren't familiar with New York Daily News columnist Linda Stasi … well first of all, I envy you. Honestly, you might want to stop reading here and revel in your blissful ignorance.

For those still with us, Stasi is sort of the left-wing Ann Coulter, if Ann Coulter had no fans to speak of. She has the same "mean girl," would-be-shock-jock shtick where every week she's paid to write spiteful, hateful things about people she doesn't like.

To give one example, Stasi's take in the wake of the San Bernardino terrorist attack was to attackone of the murder victims and declare him as bad as the terrorists. The innocent man's crime? He posted conservative things on Facebook, and was "an anti-government, anti-Islam, pro-NRA, rabidly anti-Planned Parenthood kinda guy."

"Now 13 innocent people are dead in unspeakable carnage," she wrote of an attack that left 14 people dead. The implication is that the man, who left behind a widow, was not an innocent and presumably deserved death.

Like I said, a charming woman.


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