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Monday, June 11, 2018

The Shocking Influence of the Media on Suicide Attempts

With the suicides of fashion designer Kate Spade and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain both in the past week, many people are wondering this weekend why those who seem to have it all would choose to end it all.

Mental health problems can affect anyone, of course.

And wealth and popularity do not insulate anyone from the devastating effects of depression or life’s sudden storms.

“We’re surrounded by these celebrities, and in a sense, we feel like we know them,” Catherine Glenn Foster, president and CEO of Americans United for Life, a nonprofit in the Washington, D.C., area that is America’s first national pro-life organization, told LifeZette. “We feel such a connection to so many of the people we’ve lost, including some of the more accessible celebrities, like Bourdain and Spade and Robin Williams. But they had internal struggles.”

Perhaps a fast-paced, very public lifestyle even adds to the pressure to be “perfect.”

“In certain professions, you do have to put on that face and arguably get used to covering up how you feel,” said Foster. “They maybe get a little more adept at covering internal struggles. And maybe they’re not as accustomed to reaching out to others for support.”

A critical component often overlooked during the national conversation on suicide is the media’s reporting on it. “People are surrounded by media stories about successful suicides, but there is less discussion about failed suicides — and about those who failed in their attempt and also regretted it,” said Foster. “We need more of those hopeful stories.”

Experts also emphasize that everyone must always ask that hard and direct question of anyone they worry about: "Are you considering suicide?"

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  1. All that we see of celebrities is the gloss and glitter, with tabloid spats, divorces, cheating, etc, etc. They are not us, yet they are us. We pay them too much mind.

  2. Unlikely suicide. These people {along with many others} were deeply connected to the clintons, the deep state and the cabal.
    Future proves Past.

  3. I sincerely hope one more celebrity kills themselves, Hillary Clinton!

  4. I feel bad for saying this, but I don't understand why rich people do this. I got 99 problems and that kind of money would solve them all!

  5. maybe they just realize how worthless they really are


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