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Friday, June 01, 2018

The 'Holy Grail' of cancer research is discovered: New blood test that can detect 10 different types of cancer YEARS before someone gets ill

A blood test that can detect 10 types of cancer potentially years before someone becomes ill has been described as the 'holy grail' of cancer research.

Scientists in the US have found a simple test can pick up early signs of cancers including breast, ovarian, bowel and lung cancer.

It works by picking up fragments of DNA released into the blood by fast-growing cancer cells.

In a study of more than 1,400 people, the triple test achieved up to 90 per cent accuracy.

Among four cancer-free people who tested positive, the US authors say two women were diagnosed with ovarian and endometrial cancer just months later.



  1. Amazing, great to see this kind of progress

  2. Readers may want to do some reading about cancer from alternative sources.
    Cancer Tumors contain billions of cells and usually require decades to develop into dangerous conditions.
    Sometimes the early detection methods which are bragged about include clusters of cells that would still take decades before they would cause harm to a person's health. In these cases a 60 year old person might consider simply ignoring these detections? It is a complicated topic and there is a lot of money to be made in treatments for cancer cells that sometimes are completely harmless for decades.

  3. Okay! Roll it out!

  4. It looks like since their pain medication scam is getting busted up they just happened to find a new gimmick to separate us from our money.

  5. 2:48 so why not remove them? The cancer cells can metastasize in that short time and be spread throughout the body.

  6. Its all rainbows and butterflies until they charge you an outrageous price for a simple test.

    Quest's regular charge for a particular blood test was $700. My insurance paid $60 for it. Price gouging at it's finest. That's why people without insurance do not get care and die.

  7. 339
    Why not leave them alone?
    Exposing them to an oxygen rich operating room environment makes them metasticize.

    1. Thank you doctor. And it’s metastasize.

  8. FDA, Pharmaceutical companies and AMA refuses to allow this because they get their kickbacks from them. They also hold back generic from hitting the market for 10 years and refuse to acknowledge alternative ways.

  9. But wait, AGH says they are the Best in cancer care. That’s my 40 bed hospital. Hahahahah

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why not leave them alone?
    Exposing them to an oxygen rich operating room environment makes them metastasize.

    June 1, 2018 at 8:23 PM

    The chance that surgery will cause cancer to spread to other parts of the body is extremely low. Following standard procedures, surgeons use special methods and take many steps to prevent cancer cells from spreading during biopsies or surgery to remove tumors. For example, if they must remove tissue from more than one area of the body, they use different surgical tools for each area. For information about how cancer spreads in the body, see our page on Metastatic Cancer.

    Will cancer get worse if exposed to air?
    No. Exposure to air will not make tumors grow faster or cause cancer to spread to other parts of the body.

    Myth: Surgery causes cancer to spread
    Truth: Surgery can't cause cancer to spread. Don't delay or refuse treatment because of this myth. Surgically removing cancer is often the first and most important treatment.

    Some people may believe this myth because they feel worse during recovery than they did before surgery. And if your surgeon discovers during surgery that your cancer is more advanced than first thought, you may believe the surgery caused more extensive cancer. But there is no evidence to support this.

    But you know more than NIH and the Mayoclinic right?

  11. And when you find that out, what do you do? They haven't cured it yet. So what good is it?


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