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Saturday, June 02, 2018

Texas Governor Unveils Plan for Armed Veterans in Schools

Governor Greg Abbott’s (R) security plan in response to the Santa Fe High School attack includes placing armed veterans in Texas schools for defense of students and teachers.

Details are set forth in the School and Firearm Safety Action Plan, released May 30, 2018.

The plan calls for a greater law enforcement presence throughout Texas schools by all means necessary. This includes having officers use schools as a stop for “breaks, lunch, or to file reports.” Abbott’s plan also asks schools “to provide office space for a local or state law enforcement official to work from.” He is asking the state to consider grants to help school’s offset the cost of providing such space and accommodating a great law enforcement presence.

Abbott’s plan also focuses on the use of retired police officers and employing veterans to serve as armed patrols in Texas schools:

Abbott is also focused on arming more teachers.

More here


  1. That is a great idea, that being said the liberals will fight tooth and nail to prevent it because it doesn't fit their agenda to dis-arm our country.

  2. The libs are going to go full Trump derangement syndrome.

  3. Refreshing to finally see a governor take control and act instead of just talk. I had hoped our good governor of MD (Republican), would have made a difference but such is not the case.


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