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Friday, June 01, 2018

Starbucks Quietly Walks Back "Homeless Shelter" Bathroom Policy In New "Color Brave" Employee Manual

Starbucks has quietly walked back their "all inclusive" bathroom policy, perhaps after realizing that their employees and customers alike weren't responding well to the prospect of vagrants using their stores as a homeless shelter.

As part of their new "Third Place Policy" which the company shuttered 8,000 stores to pound into employees heads on Tuesday, Starbucks says "We want our stores to be the third place, a warm and welcoming environment where customers can gather and connect. Any customer is welcome to use Starbucks spaces, including our restrooms, cafes and patios, regardless of whether they make a purchase."



  1. A customer, by definition, is someone who "buys a product or service". Maybe Czarbucks needs to change their terminology to "visitors"?

  2. I hate them so much I shit in the sink at the Starbucks now!

  3. I've been on this earth for 75 years , never have I been to this place and after all this bull $hit I'll never go there. Starbucks going downhill fast.
    I'd rather be at Guys and Dolls to shoot some pool.

  4. What a bunch of idiots!

    Those running the company and those that buy their products

  5. Love it
    They deserve everything they get
    Ha ha

  6. @4:00 I just blew crappaccino out my nose!

  7. Liberalism always works until it is implemented.

  8. Starbucks is one of the worst companies I have encountered. Politically Correct on Steroids. Poor Coffee and other products and HIGH prices.

  9. What is Liberalism?
    Why are you using their terminology?


  10. Just the men's rooms I want to use after a string of homeless take a sink bath.


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