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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Quote of the Day

"White liberals and the Democratic Party are the major beneficiaries of keeping black people fearful, angry, victimized and resentful. It's
crucial to both their political success and their efforts to change our
nation. Racial harmony would be a disaster for leftists, be they
politicians, academic liberals or news media people." --Dr. Walter Williams


  1. True! And they will do and say anything to convince others to be like them. Many break our laws and should be jailed. But there are so many like them now on both sides of the aisle that nothing is done to correct the wrongs.

    1. I totally agree. It's been this way throughout American history.
      They know this and will continue until the end of times.

  2. American representatives and the media are always criticizing other leaders in other countries about their civil right abuse of their citizens. But the United States of America need to shut their mouths about other countries civil right abuse and tend to their own civil rights abuses. America is full of hypocrites.

  3. So why do the Republicans feed this threat to help the Democrats


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