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Sunday, June 17, 2018

President Trump makes Obama look like a JACKASS - AGAIN!


  1. Con-Artist always get busted and put in their place. It is called KARMA

  2. When doesnt he? Trump is trumping Obama by multitudes! Trump 2020!!! Yea baby!

  3. Joe Biden criticized the President for "embracing a dictator". This from the lady in waiting for the guy who gushed over Castro.

  4. Love me some 45!

  5. This is great! It also exposes Obama using the ghetto speech inflections where he thinks there is an appropriate audience.

  6. The headline is true, but Trump doesn't need to try very hard to make the Obummer look like the jackass he is.

  7. Obama was and is a joke-affirmative action at its worst

  8. What if computers could respond to our thoughts or our language barriers could come tumbling down. Or if millions of Americans were suddenly finding new jobs in these fields -- jobs we haven’t even dreamt up yet -- because we chose to invest in this project.

    That's the future we're imagining. That's what we're hoping for. That’s why the BRAIN Initiative is so absolutely important. -Obama

    Why the focus on your brains? We deserve to know!

  9. Trump needs to place that wand up obama arse and POOF he disappears from the planet.

  10. Was not to hard to do..now if we can just stop his subversive acts of treason. Lock him UP!!!!

  11. If Obama gave away training with South Korea in exchange for a promise to denuclearize all on here would be losing it

  12. 9:20 lets keep obummer around, this is fun to watch!

  13. That was a classic King Obama pose. That was how he looked down on Americans when he addressed them; as if we were his subjects. It always offended me as an American.


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