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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Obamacare Threatens to Drive Insurance Rates Higher for Individuals

Health insurers in multiple states could increase rates sharply on the Obamacare exchanges for 2019, with premiums in Maryland’s individual market set to jump as much as 91 percent.

Insurers seek to charge higher Obamacare insurance premiums, proposing average increases in the individual market of 30 percent in Maryland, 24 percent in New York, and 19 percent in Washington state.

By comparison, the average rate hike of nearly 5 percent sought in Pennsylvania’s individual market under the Affordable Care Act would be peanuts.



  1. It's already more than doubled, now just a measly 30% increase.

    Throw off all those Obamacare government overseers and give the insurance companies back to the doctors and patients to run. We're drowning in administration!

  2. My insurance went up again and I lost prescription coverage. Deductibles are so high it absurd.

  3. 10:28 PM it was planned all along to do this. It is what Obama wanted and he got it.

  4. I warned and warned and warned you fools, that this would be the outcome, and all you clowns did was demonize me and others who only tried to warn you... Now look who was right? Me, yet again!!!!

    You all get what you pay for and you get what you deserve!!! Now just wait for the premiums to go up 30% and you lose 10% ore more in coverage...

  5. That 30% increase in Maryland is to offset all the free healthcare that our legislators give to illegal immigrants (along with free housing, food stamps, welfare payments, and driver's licenses). Ain't our elected representatives great at spending our money?

  6. Meanwhile I lose my dental and vision insurance, my deductible goes to $3,000.00 for an individual while people who are capable of working and earning a living continue to sponge off our government....something is terribly wrong here.


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