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Friday, June 01, 2018

Mueller Probe Spending Tops $17 Million

Department previously reported $6.7 mil spent from May – September 2017

The Justice Department has spent more than $17 million on its Russia investigation since special counsel Robert Mueller’s appointment last May, according to a government report released Thursday.

The latest DOJ totals reflect $10 million spent from October until March — a particularly productive period for Mueller. During that timespan, Mueller netted five guilty pleas and 17 indictments of people and companies as part of his examination of Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 election, and whether the Kremlin coordinated its efforts with the Trump campaign.

Mueller’s office in a statement said its spending was “within the approved budget,” though it’s still likely to draw complaints from President Donald Trump and his allies who have already found fault with the open-ended nature of the special counsel’s fiscal setup. The president has long labeled the investigation a “witch hunt” that has strayed far from its original mandate.

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  1. And I'd happily contribute to the Go Fund Me for this! Look how much corruption he's already uncovered.

  2. The Federal Government simply prints its own money.
    This money doesn't come from somewhere, it is created by the international bankers and purchased by the government using Bonds. The bankers simply want "interest payments" in exchange for typing the digits into the computer screen. Hard work, you know?

  3. What a waste of money! President Trump is the best thing to happen to the USA since Reagan.He actually cares about the working man!

  4. 2;28 You sound like a Liberal Anarchist, since the corruption he has uncovered he is not prosecuting, such as John Podesta, his brother and the Podesta Group. I don't want to leave out the Clintons and Clinton Foundation. Don't forget the corrupt FBI. Don't forget Mueller was involved in this corruption since he was in charge of the FBI during some of this corruption. You must have selective memory.

    1. that's Susan Olsen

      she is a strange...
      messes around with ex inmates too

  5. The guilty need to be prosecuted and restitution needs to be paid!


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