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Saturday, June 16, 2018

Microsoft may be in talks w Walmart for Checkout-free Stores?

Even though there’s only one Amazon Go location so far, it seems the existence of Amazon’s cashier-less, checkout-free convenience store has left some of the company’s biggest competitors wondering how they, too, can get in on futuristic retail.

According to Reuters, Microsoft is now working on tech that would allow retailers to build checkout-free stores. However, instead of installing that tech in the smattering of Microsoft stores across the country, sources told Reuters that Microsoft has had talks with Walmart about a potential joint effort that could give Amazon some competition.

Reuters says that Microsoft currently has a group of 10 to 15 people dedicated to creating new retail store technology, and while the report did not mention a lot of specifics, one method the team reportedly explored was attaching cameras to shopping carts in order to track purchases as customers walked around stores.



  1. Convenience for the sake of American jobs.

  2. Progress has always eliminated jobs and created new ones we can't stay stagnant or we'd still be riding a horse and buggy.

  3. Sounds good, I will be able to steal even more from them!

  4. @"Sounds good, I will be able to steal even more from them!"

    You are the reason why prices keep going up....

  5. I gave up going to Walmart when they went cashier free......do you mean to tell me that those people walking around in Walmart vests were there to check you out all this time?


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