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Sunday, June 03, 2018

Log truck overturned on bypass by Mt Hermon road right now northbound side


  1. Is it cleaned up yet ?

  2. 3:59, No. There's still a lot of traffic in that area at this exact moment. It's been turned right side up but it's still a mess there. .

  3. There are certain types of trucks and their drivers you should avoid. Log trucks, dump trucks, local drivers of any truck, grain trucks being driven by farmers, and of course all those watermelon trucks near Laurel De in the summer. I used to listen to some of those "drivers" at the Laurel truckstop in person and on the c.b. radio.

    Once you got past their obvious ignorance and stupidity and could understand whatever they were trying to say, some of it was quite comical, yet most times it was scary to realize we share the road with these morons.

    I bet some of them were in Joe's post about the job opening that required one to join a union and pay dues. Of course, they don't want to join a union, then they would be held to some kind of standard and expected to do their job in a timely and efficient manner.

  4. I think all the accident victims should file a class action lawsuit against WCR. This part of the highway has yielded many accidents since construction began. Not really an excuse for it now that the dividers have been removed, but there is evidence of a new wipe out every week prior.

  5. 5:03, WCR ??? WTF?

  6. 5:01 you must be one of those other ones that you never talked about. These are the most dangerous ones. They are the idiots that pull boats, camper trailers and enclosed trailers, lawn companies etc.. They run you off the road, cross over the lane lines, cut you off when passing since they cannot use their mirrors or don't. Majority of the tractor trailer drivers are the most safety conscience ones. The idiot smaller vehicles cause majority of their accidents.

    1. RIGHT on!! It's called a CDL. It's called a CDL Medical card. Without it. You not driving. Besides. Look at all the IDIOTS on the road going to the beach. Yeah they drive wonderful. Got swallow your mic CDL WANNABE.

    2. Right!! They work and and earn a honest living. Where d that commenter s deep seeded hurt come from?

  7. 5:01 some union fool been blowing smoke up your butt! Everything you claim they do is a joke....they only want the dues then make it so companies can't discipline your screw ups!! Unions are the reason for our economy issues under Bush and Obama administrations!!! take a hike.

  8. that construction area is always in chaos.....barrels here....than barrels there....

    Does anyone have a clue when it's going to be complete?

    There have been allot of accidents in this area

  9. May 29, 2018 at 5:03 PM

    There may be some truth to what you say but ultimately it is the responsibility of the driver not to crash. While it is true there have been several accidents in that location, the majority of traffic passes through that area without having an accident or any other type of problem.

    And with all the publicity of this area, certainly, a local resident knows about it and should not be involved in an accident there.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    5:01 you must be one of those other ones that you never talked about. These are the most dangerous ones. They are the idiots that pull boats, camper trailers and enclosed trailers, lawn companies etc.. They run you off the road, cross over the lane lines, cut you off when passing since they cannot use their mirrors or don't. Majority of the tractor trailer drivers are the most safety conscience ones. The idiot smaller vehicles cause majority of their accidents.

    May 29, 2018 at 5:50 PM

    No sir, I was a professional driver for 20 years with over 2 million safely driven miles under my belt. I knew I would get responses such as yours and that's fine. Some people tend to attack the messenger instead of the message just as you have done.

    Aside from that you really haven't addressed what I said but you have proven my point about some drivers mentality. For that I thank you.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    5:01 some union fool been blowing smoke up your butt! Everything you claim they do is a joke....they only want the dues then make it so companies can't discipline your screw ups!! Unions are the reason for our economy issues under Bush and Obama administrations!!! take a hike.

    May 29, 2018 at 6:20 PM

    Yeah that's exactly what happened because I live on the shore and can't think for myself. Oh wait, no that's you. I'm quite sure you have never been in a union and don't have the first clue about what a union is all about but I bet you have heard plenty of horror stories from your like-minded friends. And you are even more unqualified about economies in general, much less a global economy.

    But it wasn't my intention to ward off attacks or even to participate in one. But I understand your need to appear a certain way. So I'm not offended by juvenile antics. But you know what I said is true even if you will never admit it.

  12. Anonymous said...
    5:03, WCR ??? WTF?

    May 29, 2018 at 5:43 PM

    That's exactly what I just said. WTF is a WCR?

  13. Anonymous said...
    that construction area is always in chaos.....barrels here....than barrels there....

    Does anyone have a clue when it's going to be complete?

    There have been allot of accidents in this area

    May 29, 2018 at 7:26 PM

    Did you just invent a word? I think you mean "a lot" which happens to be two words.

    1. OMG

      A Typo and your self center self becomes a school teacher

      Get back in the class room and teach your inmates of America...

      Bc the way you teach.....all your kids will do jail time

  14. I guess they will "fix" it by lowering the speed limit to 35 now.

  15. May 29, 2018 at 5:01 PM:

    I'd like to see you try to drive a truck. You couldn't even come anywhere near passing the written, or driving exams to get a Commercial Driver's License. Heck, you probably couldn't even pass the physical. And yet you, of all people, talk about "obvious ignorance and stupidity." Go figure. Those drivers are smarter than you will ever be.

  16. Repaving northbound now. When the trucks don't have to drive on that slanted shoulder anymore, the turnovers will stop. Shouldn't be long now.

  17. 2:40pm LOL. You must be a JB Hunt man. Loser.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    May 29, 2018 at 5:01 PM:

    I'd like to see you try to drive a truck. You couldn't even come anywhere near passing the written, or driving exams to get a Commercial Driver's License. Heck, you probably couldn't even pass the physical. And yet you, of all people, talk about "obvious ignorance and stupidity." Go figure. Those drivers are smarter than you will ever be.

    May 30, 2018 at 2:40 PM

    I guess you missed the part where I said I drove for 20 years and 2 MILLION SAFE miles. The CDL you keep harping about was a good idea with good intentions but it didn't weed out all the undesirables that they thought it would, and IF you're a driver you are one of those they missed.

    I had a semester (13 weeks) of truck driver training at a Community College, and then good ole OJT. (on the job training) I have heard it all and you offer nothing new. (next you will tell someone you have more miles backing up than they do going forward)

    People like you always remind me of a joke. What's the difference between a cowboy's boot and a truck driver boot?

    On a cowboy's boot, the bs is on the outside.

    Have a nice day

  19. May 29, 2018 at 5:43 PM:

    He's trying to blame Wicomico County Roads (WCR) for the bypass chaos. But it's a SHA (State Highway Administration) project. WTF!


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