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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Joe Biden's glamorous niece appears in court sporting a pair of funky $1,450 Givenchy booties as she faces charges for a $100,000 credit card scam

Former Vice President Joe Biden's niece, Caroline, was back in Manhattan Criminal Court on Monday to have her felony conviction thrown out stemming from a $100,000 credit card scam.

A year ago, Ms Biden took a plea deal admitting to using a borrowed credit card to make purchases totaling more than $110,000 at the high-end Bigelow Pharmacy in Greenwich Village.

Had the case gone to trial, Caroline could have faced up to a year in jail, if convicted.



  1. Biden has lots of friends in the credit card business.

  2. Lmao hi end pharmacy? admitted drug addict! Isn't she special? No class real pos with multiple arrests! Surely all us peons would be afforded the same lenient treatment having a felony charge for stealing $100K thrown out! Apple don't fall far from the tree does it?

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 12, 2018 at 5:21 PM

    Is this the same Biden's woman who was caught at beach house in Rehoboth few years ago snorting cocaine during the house party? Isnt't that just wonderfull? Oh, thats right, its ihe Bidens, the self proclaimed "Delaware Royal Family" of Democ-rats, hence different set of laws apply here. Well, anyone else doing this crime would be sitting in jail for years. And Crazy Uncle Joe wants your vote, because he knows whats best for all of us. Free meal for everyone who votes for Biden! And Sheeple keep cheering

  4. Almost as bad as his cokehead son, cheating on his wife with the widow of his other son. Almost.

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoJune 12, 2018 at 9:18 PM

      Well, Its the Biden's - keeping it in the family, what else should we expect from crooked Democ-rats with no morals?! Just trying to be like Clintons, SMH

  5. What a whacky family.

  6. these people are sick!

  7. How can she be glamorous with his loins mixed in?


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