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Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Is Eric Holder's election pet project targeting your state?

Former Attorney General Eric Holder could have your state in his crosshairs in 2018—as he leads a campaign with the potential to paint the map blue for the next decade.

Democrats have played catchup in state legislative races since the Republican wave eight years ago. And they are well aware that how states draw maps, based on the 2020 Census, could determine which party controls the U.S. House of Representatives and most state legislatures for years to come.

Enter Holder and the group he chairs, the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

The organization is focused on overhauling those maps and fighting the “gerrymandering” that in some cases favors Republicans. The goal is to back state Democratic candidates who could have a say in drawing new districts after 2020. Holder, while also mulling a 2020 presidential run, is now targeting a dozen states—four of which are expected to gain at least one congressional seat after the Census. Former President Barack Obama, Holder’s old boss, has also lent his name to the effort.

“In many states, governors and state senators elected to four-year terms will still be in office when new maps are drawn in 2021,” NDRC spokesman Patrick Rodenbush told Fox News. “That makes this a crucial year for redistricting.”

More here



  1. He should be in prison for selling guns to cartels. Even obama had to fire him.

  2. You mean the national marxist redistricting committee.


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