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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Indiana Teacher Forced to Resign After Refusing to Kowtow to Transgender Policies

An Indiana high school teacher alleges that he was forced to resign because he wouldn’t ascribe to the school’s policy of calling transgender students by their chosen names and pronouns.

“I’m being compelled to encourage students in what I believe is something that’s a dangerous lifestyle,” former Brownsburg High School orchestra teacher John Kluge told NBC News. He alleges that compelling him to address students with pronouns that do not accord to their biological sex violates his religious beliefs as well as his constitutional right to free speech.



  1. Not a problem, he should have another teaching job very shortly, in a private school where they look for people with his religious beliefs and honors the constitution.

  2. More liberal 'Rightspeak', George Orwell warned of this in his, I believe 1949, book "1984"!


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