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Sunday, June 17, 2018

I Think I Just Threw Up In My Mouth A Little Bit


  1. funny would be if a pot card holder called them and asked them to test their stuff. Then pull the card out on them after the fact so they know its legit and walk out.

  2. If you like your doctor, you can keep him.

  3. This won’t appear on Fox News

  4. See how guys like him play both sides of the fence

  5. If this is a way for the department to catch idiots it is a great idea. If this is an actual service then the department is the idiots.

  6. This cannot be real!!

  7. Well now this is a puzzling situation. Do I want drug addicts to get their illegal drugs tested so they can get high and not die. Or do I say no don't test the drugs and see what happens. If it were up to me the answer is simple. No testing of the drugs. If you die then you die.

  8. Wow, and most stupid people such as criminals would probably try to get their drugs tested right as they get locked up!!!!

  9. You have to be S---ing me !!!!

  10. anyone having them tested will most likely be arrested.
    yes, people are that gullible

  11. What a stupid statement , now the police have gone bad , or maybe just a trick to find the sellers. Anyway how stupid can you get ?

  12. Good God what a load of rubbish. Lewis is completely off base and is doing a disservice to the community. Whenever you engage in anything illegal you are taking a chance. Death is a chance you take when you buy drugs illegally.
    This is beyond ridiculous. People aren't going to stop using until people stop making excuses for them and enabling them. Lewis has now become a part of the problem by being an enabler instead of being part of the solution.
    Also he is encouraging them to commit other crimes by verifying the bad drugs. People will then take the law into their own hands and seek revenge on the dealer.
    Lewis must be on some kind of drug himself. There is no other explanation for this stupidity.

    1. Think logically for a second if possible. Do you think it may be bait for idiot dopeheads?

    2. Is that person serious?

  13. This is a joke right? Like hey its good stuff enjoy! I bet everyone will be lining up lmao

  14. I love it...great idea! These people aren't the sharpest tacks in the drawer...way to get the drugs off the streets! Cudos!

  15. ANYTHING to draw attention to himself and LOOK!!! It worked!!!!

  16. If you read the Facebook comments from this post, you will see that Mike Lewis stole that post and idea from another department without giving them credit. Seems like they can’t have an original idea of their own and have to copy everyone else.

  17. I got some bad drugs and I am pissed. If it's not made good tonight I am going to give them a call in the morning.

  18. Is that for real? So that's why they call it dope...

  19. I am so sick of this kind of enabling the druggies. Between crap like this and the nuts who say it's a "disease" they are all wearing out their welcome. I could care less anymore about anyone who makes the choice to do drugs illegally. If they get bad drugs and die that's on them. No one but themselves did it.

  20. It's called low hanging fruit. Or as Red Foxx would call them, big dummies.

  21. Yea someone has to be really fkn retarded to do this lol but then again its salisbury so theyll get couple people lol

  22. Reverse psychology.

  23. Who would fall for that??

    No one brings drugs into a LAW ENFORCMENT facility and doesn't leave in handcuffs. Dectectives EAGER to "assist" you, huh?


  24. It's an IQ test for drug users. Worth a try!

  25. It's a TRAP ! LOL

  26. Come on go buy some bad drugs and take them in to in to get tested and see what happens

  27. That’s the funniest thing I’ve read all day.

  28. Anybody who calls this number and shows up should be hit in the head with a sledge hammer for being stupid

  29. I hope they film it. Would make a great show!

  30. They arrest people more times than you would think because they call the cops after being sold fake drugs. Dont underestimate the stupidity of people, especially on the shore

  31. I doubt the criminals and drug addicts keep tabs on the sheriff's social media pages so there won't be many seeing this.

  32. I thought it was hilarious.

  33. Yeah I have an MMCC card and I do not need any help "checking" my drugs because I buy from a dispensary who sells quality stuff.
    All the local departments (police) are not happy with medical cannabis but too bad! The State says I'm legal.

    1. 95 percent of law enforcement polled voted yes to legalize it. Cops don't make laws. Know one cares about your pot card. You pay 75 for 1/8 congrats on getting ripped off...

  34. This is horse s*#t at best. Law enforcement doesn’t care about addicts they only care about arrests and beat downs!

    1. I got 22 years on the job and your right! Now what?

  35. Sounds like a Sting operation

  36. Only way to curb the drug crisis in America is to allow Trump to build the wall but the swamp doesn't want the drug crisis stopped because then they can't run on fleecing the taxpayers for billions into the criminal justice system.

  37. This is funny...

  38. I feel sick every time I see this guy and even sicker when he starts to talk.

  39. There actually are people who would bring their illegal drugs in to be tested. That's why they posted this. Get a brain people. You're just as smart as those who would bring in the illegal drugs.

  40. This actually happened in Florida Lewis just can not help himself. He took credit for everything the state did while he was a trooper. If you listen to him there would have been no arrest made if he had not done it lol. The guy is Florida purchased meth and thought he was sold the wrong dope. The idiot actually went to the Sheriff's Office to have it tested and was arrested. Also had a warrant. Guess the meth was better than he thought. Idiot

  41. 11:06 "Know" and "No"are two different words smartass.


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