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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

GOP Sags in Generic Poll as GOP Donors, Ryan Push Amnesty

The GOP’s deficit in the generic-ballot poll score has spiked from just 3.2 points to 7.6 points in the last week as business donors and House Speaker Paul Ryan push for a wage-cutting amnesty.

The new polls show all of the GOP’s gradual gains since mid-March were suddenly wiped out starting June 1, when the Democrats held a mere 3.2 point advantage in the generic ballot, which records voters’ partisan preference. One week late, on June 8, the gap had jumped to 7.6 percent as the establishment media extensively and favorably covered the discharge-petition push and Ryan’s June 6 public support for an amnesty.

The GOP’s score dropped 1.4 points, from 39.8 percent, during the week in comparison to prior polls by the same companies.



  1. Plus they have destroyed health care for seniors 55-64. For the poor and fixed income. GOP is in trouble mid terms.

  2. Ryan and McConnell along with McCain is working against the Republican party and their actions proves they want the Democrats back in charge.

  3. I won't donate to anyone pushing Amnesty

  4. Apparently they still don't get it. We don't want amnesty!

  5. Paul Ryan is NOT running for re-election. McCain is NOT running for re-election. Flake is NOT running for re-election and Many more RINO Elitist are NOT running for re-election. Ignore their comments as they are Toast...Just keep doing YOUR part to see that we WIN. After all, it's We the People who Make it Happen.

  6. 5:04 you are right but these rhinos will be voting on amnesty before they quit and get their retirement and extreme benefits.


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