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Saturday, June 02, 2018

George Soros Pulls Out of San Diego’s District Attorney Race

A political action committee launched and bankrolled by liberal billionaire George Soros is pulling out of San Diego's district attorney race.

The California Justice & Public Safety PAC, which was established by Soros to support Geneviéve Jones-Wright, a far-left public defender, recently pulled an advertisement depicting District Attorney Summer Stephan as having a backlog of rape kits that needed to be tested. The ad came under fire for being false and misleading.

Now, the PAC is leaving the race entirely. Soros's PAC has cancelled all future advertisements in support of Jones-Wright, according to television station managers in the region.

Soros has spent hundreds of thousands on television advertisements, digital advertisements, and campaign literature and mailings in support of Jones-Wright after initially depositing $1.5 million into the California Justice & Public Safety PAC, the Washington Free Beacon previously reported.



  1. I hope this guy doesn't focus his sights on Maryland. He ruins financial markets for fun causing huge depressions. Do you know what happens during a depression? People die. He does not care he gets off on it. Sick twisted individual

  2. 10:30 - If you read the article in American Thinker, you will find that Baltimore was his pilot program.

  3. Democrats bow to king Soros.


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