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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Fyre Festival organizer Billy McFarland arrested for scamming — again

The crooked promoter of the disastrous Fyre Festivalwent back to defrauding people after he was arrested last year — and his newest victims include angry attendees of his infamously shoddy 2017 music festival, prosecutors said on Tuesday.

Billy McFarland was rearrested Tuesday and charged with earning $100,000 by selling fake tickets to exclusive fashion, music and sporting events through NYC VIP Access, a company he controlled.

He was charged with one count of wire fraud and one count of money laundering and faces a maximum of 40 years in prison if convicted.

Manhattan federal prosecutors say McFarland, 26, began running the ticket scheme in late 2017 — just months after his June 2017 arrest for defrauding investors of his Fyre Media company out of $24 million.


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