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Monday, June 11, 2018

Former Navy Sailor Pardoned by Trump Says He's Suing Comey and Obama

A former Navy sailor who is one of five people to receive a pardon from President Donald Trump is planning to file a lawsuit against Obama administration officials, alleging that he was subject to unequal protection of the law.

Specifically, Kristian Saucier, who served a year in federal prison for taking photos of classified sections of the submarine on which he worked, argues that the same officials who meted out punishment to him for his actions chose to be lenient with Hillary Clinton in her use of a private email server and handling of classified information.

His lawyer, Ronald Daigle, told Fox News on Monday that the lawsuit, which he expects to file soon in Manhattan, will name the U.S. Department of Justice, former FBI Director James Comey and former President Barack Obama as defendants, among others.

"They interpreted the law in my case to say it was criminal," Saucier told Fox News, referring to prosecuting authorities in his case, "but they didn't prosecute Hillary Clinton. Hillary is still walking free. Two guys on my ship did the same thing and weren't treated as criminals. We want them to correct the wrong."



  1. Two sets of rules.

  2. A whole bunch of wrongs don't make a right. Those two other sailors and Hillary and about a hundred of her fellow crooks should all be in jail.That sailor knew damn well he wasn't soposed to take those pictures.

  3. I realize he was pardoned but what I would like to know is why was he taking pictures of the sub's engine and machinery. Pictures of his buddys would seem the natural thing to do. What was he going to do with the pictures? Sell them? To who? Something ain't Kosher.


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