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Saturday, June 16, 2018

FBI employee blasted Trump voters: ‘Uneducated, lazy POS’

An FBI employee involved in the Hillary Clinton email investigation lashed out at supporters of President-elect Trump a day after the 2016 election, calling them “uneducated” and “lazy POS,” according to a report.

A Justice Department inspector general review of the Clinton probe released Thursday said the unnamed employee used the crass language while responding to an instant message from another fed, known as “FBI Attorney 2” in the document, Fox News said.

The e-chatting FBI employees appeared to be supporters of Clinton, with the attorney being particularly concerned that his or her work might have helped Trump win.

“I am so stressed about what I could have done differently,” according to “FBI Attorney 2.”

The employee responded: “Don’t stress. None of that mattered.”

But the attorney still lamented that the FBI’s probe of Clinton using a personal email server likely tipped the election.

“I don’t know. We broke the momentum,” the attorney wrote.

The other chatty fed answered: “That is not so.”



  1. oh but they're not biased...

  2. All should be revealed, named, and fired ASAP.

  3. I mean, he’s not wrong....

  4. He doesn't know us.

  5. Somehow, I think he has that exactly wrong. The lazy P.O.S. are those that use every Government service such as welfare, snap, and other give a ways at the expense of those of us in the "fly over country" that pay for it through mandatory taxes.

    The scum in this country is with the takers and not with the givers


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