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Thursday, June 07, 2018

EPA's new super fuel could spell trouble for ethanol

The Environmental Protection Agency is about to allow a new renewable fuel to be sold at the pump, which could revolutionize the fuel business while eliminating the use of corn ethanol in gasoline altogether.

For some, the prospects of no longer having to use ethanol under the EPA’s renewable fuel mandate is reason enough to support the new super fuel.

“We started to look at what would be an alternative, rather than just say ‘no, no, no, we don’t like ethanol,’” said John McKnight, senior vice president for environmental policy with the National Marine Manufacturers Association.

His trade group opposes moving to higher levels of ethanol under EPA’s Renewable Fuel Standard because of the damage the fuel causes to marine engines that power everything from 75-foot yachts to fishing boats and jet skis. Some of McKnight's members include engine makers Volvo, Honda, Kawasaki, Caterpillar, Cummins and Mercury.

“Is there something that’s out there that’s better?” was the question McKnight asked about 10 years ago.



  1. Yeah, a cooperative effort between BP and Dupont... How am I going to be screwed?

    1. Great question because you know it is certain if those players are involved.

  2. Finally common sense...

  3. If corn were efficient as a fuel, we'd be burning it in pellet stoves. Everywhere would smell like popcorn in the winter.

  4. Ethanol mandated in fuel is forced on us by the farm lobby and the republicans that get their payoffs.

    Oh, B.T.W. I'm a Republican that is fed up and sick of it!

  5. It costs more to raise the corn (using oil based tractors) than is the benefit of the ethanol.
    Not at all cost effective.

    A giant scam on the people.

    All by accident though, because we all know there are no conspiracies.


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