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Monday, June 11, 2018

Colorado baker slammed with hostile reviews, protests after Supreme Court victory

Colorado baker Jack Phillips received a standing ovation Saturday at the Western Conservative Summit, which came as a change of pace after a week of protests and negative reviews following his Supreme Court victory.

Since the high court ruled Monday in his favor, the owner of the Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood has been faced with protesters and a deluge of one-star reviews on Yelp, but he’s not complaining.

Conservatives hailed the ruling as a victory for First Amendment rights, while critics held a protest hours after the decision’s release featuring Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper at the state capital in Denver.

Meanwhile, the Masterpiece Cakeshop’s page on Yelp has been slammed with hundreds of politically motivated one-star reviews accusing Mr. Phillips of “bigotry,” some with photos of same-sex marriage ceremonies.

“Giving a one-star review because the menu doesn’t include ‘hatred and bigotry’ as options,” said one commenter.

Said another: “Food made with hate does not taste good. This establishment is homophobic.”

A band of activists turned up at the cake shop Friday for a protest called “Gay Party at Bigot Bakery,” backed by groups including the People for Bernie Sanders and Millennials for Revolution, but they were met by dozens of counter-protesters in support of Mr. Phillips.



  1. We need to start banning liberals - These people are sub human! They guy won his case move the %$&* on!!

  2. The left, even when they lose in the Supreme Court, they still keep "fighting". Just like the losers still complaining about the Citizens United decision. You lost, just like Hillary.

  3. Send somebody to slap those little protesters faces, spank them and send them home!

  4. All of you, just get over yourselves!🙊

  5. I just want to be clear here, if you do not believe that LGBT is ok you are therefore labeled a "Hater" a "Homophobe" on and on and on. who is the hater????

  6. And this is why America as you see it is gone, and will never be coming back!!!! You have clowns and stupid people who don't know squat about what they speak about but claim they know it all... Even after a supreme court ruling, they continue to harass these people... I for one am glad they gays didn't win this battle... They can sue us, but we can't sue them, just like Christians versus Muslim... The Muslims can sue you for their beliefs, but you can't sue for your beliefs if you are Christian... Another point to add, and everyone should mention but since you are all to stupid, I will say it for you... These gays were looking for a fight, a lawsuit, becasue like any consumer who isn't pleased with the policy of a business, you have the RIGHT to go somewhere else, but no, they chose this man's bakery and went all in after him, becasue they KNEW he was Christian...

    This is no different than them clowns who live in SBY and post on this blog about wanting to take that guys private road he let everyone use on his land for years, then when it got washed out, he said no more... NO more use, and you all went at his throat wanting to open up the can of worms by using eminent domain to take his land for a private road all because you clowns wanted to be selfish and only thought about yourself, saying "I am wanting to take his land for I can save 5 to 10 minutes of drive time to work or to town and back."

  7. Liberals cant stand to lose....

  8. And none of those people are customers. Who cares what those intolerant people think? Their one star reviews are meaningless hate talk. That's the anti-religious blather of the left.

  9. I guess you don't have to BE tolerant to demand tolerance. Gay liberals are some of the most INTOLERANT people on the planet. They make the KKK look like an after church picnic.

  10. 10:22
    Are you part of the bakers?
    Reading and commenting on this blog?

    You got Sued?

  11. June 11, 2018 at 10:22 AM:

    From gays, a baker and a cake for a gay wedding, to a comment on a private road and eminent domain....and trying to link the two subjects. What a colossal leap in thinking there is a link. Are you even lucid?


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